Actually mostly what I did was sit at home and read blogs and download apps. And now I'm gonna share them here. I came to find the Biz*Ladies section of Design Sponge by way of the Girl's Guide To Web Design, which is an online class I want to take about Wordpress because I'm on Blogger and have web envy. The gal who conducts the class has contributed to Biz*Ladies (about Wordpress, of course) and when I started reading back posts on Biz*Ladies I got ever so inspired and excited and I even emailed my ol' pal Keva with new ideas (mind you she had emailed first, a few days ago, but still, I haven't emailed new ideas to Keva in years!) Really there are some very wonderful posts over there, in particular, I got a lot out of the following:
* Get a Website in a Weekend (a Wordpress primer)
* Advanced Functions of Wordpress
* The One Simple Thing You Need To Know For Your Online Business (hint: relationships)
* Free Publicity Techniques
But they were all pretty good.
Then I spent some time trying to retrieve my notes that I (thought I) lost on Evernote, but voila! They were there once I got back into my account. And now they have this section on their site called The Trunk that showcases all sorts of iPad and iPhone and Android apps that integrate with Evernote and so I spent an hour or three exploring those and downloaded quite a few, in particular I liked these:
FastFinga - A handwriting app that allows me to write notes with my finger on the iPhone screen
JotNot - Nifty document scanner
FotoNote - Captures text from a photo and does a decent job of it, too. This is going to come in handy at the hair salon where I always read interesting things in their magazines and try and shoot them with the iPhone camera and well this will convert it if I want and send it to Evernote and I like that.
ScanBizCards - Bet you can figure out what this one does? The free version let's you scan 2 cards a week which is enough for me.
*Those are the nachos that Keva and I shared last time we saw each other. Yum, Roxy.
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